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West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner David Jamieson comments on HMIC reports on Domestic Abuse report, PEEL Vulnerability and Child Protection Report (Re-inspection). The reports, carried out by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC), on the basis of inspections into the force during the summer of 2015, examine how the force supports those who are at risk from domestic abuse, child sexual exploitation and other harm offences.

West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner David Jamieson said, “We recognise the recommendations in the reports and will continue to work with our partners to deliver on these.

“Protecting children is an absolute priority of mine and West Midlands Police.

“We have made it a priority to set up multi agency safeguarding hubs in each local authority, bringing all the key partners together to protect vulnerable people. Some have been set-up so far and plans are in place for the rest of the force area.

“West Midlands Police are now publishing a summary of data on child sexual exploitation to bring this issue out into the open.

“Action has been taken which changes the way in which all ‘absent’ children are recorded, tracked and the investigation supervised. I will be holding the police to account to make sure that this improves the effectiveness and safety of ‘absent’ and ‘missing’ people in the West Midlands.

“Tackling domestic abuse is a priority of mine. I will be looking closely at the way that this crime is managed to make sure that perpetrators are dealt with and crucially victims protected. In addition this crime often impacts on children too. I will speaking to the Chief Constable to make sure that the police take account of the impact that domestic abuse has on children.

“Safeguarding people from harm is a crucial issue that we all must work on to keep the public safe.

“These are serious reports with important recommendations that I will hold the police to account to deliver on.”

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